- Access to corporate opportunity information.
- Invitations to corporate showcases.
- Ability to participate in corporate to MBE matchmaking sessions.
- Ability to participate in MBE to MBE matchmaking sessions.
- Ability to showcase business at quarterly meetings and other meetings.
- Ability to have business featured in GNEMSDC weekly e-newsletter.
- Ability to have business featured in GNEMSDC MBE monthly e-newsletter.
- Ability to publish press releases and other information in GNEMSDC e-newsletter.
- Ability to use GNEMSDC offices and meeting rooms at no charge (with a reservation).
- Eligibility for a full scholarship to Tuck and Kellogg MBE Development Programs.
- Ability to attend GNEMSDC MBE development programs at low or no cost.
- Ability to receive one on one consulting services.
- Discounted fees to attend all events.
- Ability to exhibit at GNEMSDC Trade Expo.
- Eligibility for GNEMSDC Awards for Supplier of the Year.
- Ability to attend NMSDC events at the preferred MBE pricing.