GNEMSDC Subscription Services
The Greater New England MSDC provides additional services to out-of-network MBEs that have a current certification with any affiliated regional council of the NMSDC. Below are the details and benefits relating to Subscription Services.
In order to qualify for subscription services, your company must meet the following criteria:
- Must be an actively certified MBE within the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) network.
- Must be in good financial standing with your home certifying council at the time of the subscription service request.
- Must be at least 60 days away from your home RMSDC certification expiration date when applying for subscription services.
Subscription Benefits
- Subscription acknowledgement letter
- Access to the Council’s local corporate members
- Inclusion in MBE sourcing pool depending on the product or service requested
- Automatic registration to receive newsletters for Council updates and events
- Available office space for scheduled meetings and teleconferencing access
- Eligible to participate in One-on-One Meetings & Matchmaking Events with Corporate Members & MBEs
- Access to business consulting services where specific contract and financing opportunities exist
- Ability to participate in subject matter training and Advanced Leadership Program
- Eligible to participate in the MBE CEO Roundtable Program – a Forum for MBE CEOs to discuss business
- Eligible to Sponsor Council platforms, showcase your business at the annual trade expo, quarterly meetings, and feature segments in newsletters
MBE Subscription Fees
*All Fees are non-refundable
Category 1 & 2 | Category 3 & 4 |
$500 Annually | $1,000 Annually |
Annual Renewal
Subscriptions run concurrently with the certification of your home council, meaning that any subscription with a RMSDC affiliate will expire at the same time as your home council certification. Once you recertify with your home council, subscriptions with any other affiliate councils can be renewed. All MBEs are welcome to subscribe to the service at any time. However, any NMSDC-certified MBE requesting subscription services within 60 days of their certification expiring at their home certifying RMSDC will be asked to withhold their request until recertification with their home council is completed.